April 25, 2008

Son of Rock 2008

Originally uploaded by rdawg
Two-day teach and try - plug and pray style climbing.
I've attended a rescue lesson by Will on Sat and learned how to set up a tension-release system. This system is very useful not only at skipping belay and anchor the injured victim, but also the tension release mechanism can be applied to any other similar system setup. i.e. lowering heavy load or crevasse rescue.

In the afternoon of Sat, I've played around some trad gear and laughed hard about climbing gear nomenclature's sexual origination.

"Place your set of nuts in the crack, and give them a good yank"

The camp was on a active logging road. we set a fire in the middle of the road. and we joked that the style is very Hobo-ism and we named ourself "VOHC"

Just in between the laughs, I noticed some noise coming behind....

After identified foot steps approaching us from the darkest, endless logging road, and the head-count of us had out-doubt him being one of us. he dragged his feet on the gravel logging road, sounding the creepest.

We stopped talking, all looked at the direction. his puffy, grayish, exploding Einstein-hair emerged, with his face hiding beneath.

He walked up and said:

"Jus havin' a lil' fire eh ?"

Nobody replied anything.

I convinced myself that the Hobo King just wanted the beer cans, or telling us his possession of this road and get a free beer from us...

But he was just a responsibility taker to keep an eye on the place.

Fire has dimmed, boonze containers can't seem to stand still in the breeze. We hit the sack at midnight.

Sunday, Michael showed us trad skills. and I practiced my first camming by inserting a BD #1 into Champagne's crotch. (see photo)

What a crazy fun weekend to break the climbing season !
going back this weekend.

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